Helen Davis lives on a five acre accidental hobby farm in Elmira that is home to Nigerian Dwarf goats,
chickens (don’t ask her how many – she has no idea and likes it that way), ducks, rabbits, a mischievous
Corgi mix, two housecats cats, and several house birds. Many of the animals are rescues who were in
need of a home. When Helen is not writing the blog or delivering the news for radio station KOCF, she
enjoys gardening, baking, cooking, reading, painting with acrylics, and spending time with her
grandnieces who are growing up way too fast. She dreams of finding a good agent and seeing her
novels in print.
Helen Davis lives on a five acre accidental hobby farm in Elmira that is home to Nigerian Dwarf goats,
chickens (don’t ask her how many – she has no idea and likes it that way), ducks, rabbits, a mischievous
Corgi mix, two housecats cats, and several house birds. Many of the animals are rescues who were in
need of a home. When Helen is not writing the blog or delivering the news for radio station KOCF, she
enjoys gardening, baking, cooking, reading, painting with acrylics, and spending time with her
grandnieces who are growing up way too fast. She dreams of finding a good agent and seeing her
novels in print.